
Central Bank components overview

The RTGS.global Network is hosted on the Microsoft Azure Cloud and, in order to ensure that the highest levels of throughput and resiliency can be assured, all communications to, and from, the RTGS.global core platform is via the Azure internal backbone. This includes messages that pass through the APIs that central bank use to communicate with the RTGS.global Network.

The APIs are provided by RTGS.global but are hosted by each central bank and in consideration of the performance guarantees of RTGS.global, the APIs are encapsulated in the RGTS.global Funds Controller Gateway (FCG) component which is provided as Azure deployment using Bicep® templates.

Every jurisdiction is required to be backed by a central bank with whom the funds for that jurisdiction reside. In order for network participants to be able to use the platform they will need to prefund their domestic network account.

Key Component Overview

Central bank connectivity is handled by three key components:

  • Network Connector - creates a secure private link between central bank Azure subscription and the relevant jurisdiction Azure subscription.

  • Funds Controller Gateway - central bank agnostic gateway that exposes the service available to a central bank.

  • Central Bank Adapter - a specific and bespoke translation layer that sits between the central bank or scheme and the funds controller gateway.

Network Connector

The network connector is a deployment package that sets up the required VNet peering between the funds controller gate subscription and the core platform. This provide a secure link between the two Azure subscriptions.

Funds Controller Gateway

The funds controller gateway provides a well defined, central bank agnostic set of API endpoints and event notifications via webhooks through which a central bank can interact with the platform. The gateway uses the secure link created by the network connector to communicate with the jurisdiction that represents the currency/funds controller i.e. the central bank with whom funds for a specific currency reside pair e.g. EUR/ECB.

Central Bank Adapter

For central banks that are unable to connect to the platform via HTTP, we can also supply a central bank adapter. The central bank adapter provides a central bank specific translation layer between the funds controller gateway and the central banks systems.

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