Integrating with Participant Gateway

The principle of integrating with the Gateway is HTTP in and EventGrid Subscription out. Messages going into the Gateway do so via a HTTP endpoint and messages coming out do so via an EventGrid topic. This is demonstrated below with a high level example of what a simple integration would look like.

HTTP In - Getting the Gateway API URL

Open the Azure Portal and navigate to the managed application resource group. Filter the resources with the name beginning with rtgs-ga. After selecting this resource, the Application URL can be copied from the essentials section.

Event Grid Out - Creating an Event Grid Subscription

To receive asynchronous messages from Gateway, a subscription needs to be created.

Open the Azure Portal and navigate to the deployed Participant Gateway and list the components.

Filter this list of resources by the Event Grid Topic that has a name beginning with rtgs-messaging-. The full name was allocated at deployment time by the Azure deployment engine and has a random suffix.

Clicking on the Topic will display its details which include any Event Grid Subscriptions. Initially there will be none and at least one subscription must be created. Follow the Microsoft documentation to achieve this. Gateway support's Cloud Event Schema v1.0.

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