Deploying the Network Connector

The network connector provides a bridge between your Gateway and the network

The following steps detail the process to deploy the Network Connector. You must have a minimum of Contributor access in your Microsoft Azure subscription.

Locate the Network Connector deployment package on Azure Marketplace

Navigate to the Azure Marketplace

You can use the search box in the Azure Portal to navigate any resource in Azure

Search the marketplace for " Network Connector"

Click on the tile and choose a plan to create

The Sandbox option must be used for all non-production environments.

Tab 1: Basics

Your resource group and application can be named based on your companies own naming policies or can follow Azure Resource Naming Conventions.

FieldSuggestionDescription / Notes



This is the dedicated subscription you chose as per the prerequisites page.

Resource group


Resource groups are logical containers within Azure. You can reuse the same resource group for all your deployments.



We recommend picking the Azure Region closest to your jurisdiction for performance reasons. See the Overview page for information regarding data storage and processing.

Application Name


Display name of this application within your Azure account.

Managed Resource Group

as defaulted

Shared with who also have responsibility for maintenance and management.

Tab 2: Application Configuration

FieldSuggestionDescription / Notes

Customer Name


The name of your organisation that is registered with It should be exactly the same as provided in the customer set up form.

Local jurisdiction


This is the jurisdiction your organisation is domiciled in.

Tab 3: Networking

As described in Prerequisites - Networking Requirements you will already have an agreed range to be used for this component. In our example, the range given was10.1.0.0/24.

The wizard will have automatically selected a range it believes to be available but this is unlikely to be the range you want.

Click on the Create new link to override the default value. Note that when you alter the Address range value in the field the ADDRESS SPACE section, any existing Address range fields in the SUBNETS section will be automatically cleared and need to be re-entered. In this case is will be same value as the as the ADDRESS SPACE range, e.g.

Note that the name of the virtual network will be needed to deploy the Gateway.

Tab 4: Review and Create

Please read the terms, which include having Contributor access to the managed resources that are created as a part of deploying the Network Connector. When you are satisfied, check the agreement to the terms and conditions of use, and click the Create button.

Please allow up to 10 minutes for this deployment to complete.

Last updated